Research Points: By 2022, Travelers Want New Destinations and Different Experiences

By Laís Oliveira

)After almost two years of few leisure trips due to the covid-19 pandemic and the uncertainties regarding the vaccine, with the return of tourism in 2022 , travelers are increasingly looking for new adventures, experiences and, above all, new destinations.

This is what a survey carried out by TriAdvisor in conjunction with Ipsos Mori pointed out. According to the survey, more than 1/3 of tourists from the US, UK, Australia, Japan and Singapore want to travel to new and unfamiliar destinations more than ever before.

49% of people surveyed in Singapore, 46% in Australia and 41% in the US want to travel this year to never-before-visited places. In addition, the survey showed that tourists state that the three main points present in their future travel plans are: living new experiences, learning about the history and culture of the place, and getting to know the destinations in depth.

Many of those interested in traveling also want to do as many activities as they can during the holidays, which shows that the fear experienced during the covid-19 pandemic combined with the time of isolation and away from people dears has changed the perspective of many people regarding the free time they have.

As for spending while traveling, research by TripAdvisor and Ipsos Mori revealed that the money set aside for tourism in 2022 will likely exceed that of 2019.

Data shows that American travelers will spend 29% more on average while traveling, while the average rate of bookings for Australian tourists will increase by 19% compared to to 2019. Respondents from England, Italy and Japan intend to travel, but spending less.

Around 2,000 people were interviewed for the TripAdvisor and Ipsos Mori survey between November and December 2021, and will serve as a thermometer for travel package companies to know the desires of their audience in 2022.

For airline tickets from the United States for Brazil or Latin America, customized travel packages, alternative hotels and stays, as well as US cruises, please contact our travel agent and tour organizer, Magali da Silva. Phone/WhatsApp: 1 (323) 428-1963 – e-mail:

Note: This article has been indexed to our site. We do not claim legitimacy, ownership or copyright of any of the content above. To see the article at original source Click Here

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