Researchers Create Battery Charging System for Soldiers Operating in Jungle Environments

An innovative battery charging system developed by electrical engineering students at the University of West Florida uses soldiers’ motion as they walk through the jungle to help charge the systems.

The battery charging system developed by University of West Florida students. Image credit: University of West Florida.

The battery charging system developed by University of West Florida students. Image credit: University of West Florida.

Earlier this year, University of West Florida students were tasked with developing a better method of charging batteries for the electronic systems soldiers carry in their rucksacks.

The military is seeking ways to lighten the load of soldiers’ rucksacks as they trek through the jungle.

A former member of the 7th Special Forces Group, student Eamon Anderson, had first-hand experience with the project’s subject matter.

“Having been in the unit, I knew that carrying excess batteries is always a challenge,” Anderson said.

“As you add extra weight to rucksacks, a lot more planning goes into how long it will take soldiers to maneuver around.”

“The extra weight in rucksacks also contributes to short and long-term injuries.”

Anderson and colleagues developed an innovative system that reduced battery charging time, extended battery life and improved overall rucksack weight.

The system uses soldiers’ motion as they walk through the jungle to help charge the systems.

“We strive to work with local industry and our military bases to bring these types of real-world problems to our students,” said University of West Florida’s Dr. Thomas Gilbar.

“They are mutually beneficial: the real-world problems help to prepare our students for a successful career when they graduate as well as give our local partners access to new, fresh engineers and their creative thinking.”

The system was enthusiastically received by the 7th Special Forces Group.

“In the engineering program, we learn things in blocks as we move through the courses,” Anderson said.

“The project allowed us to encompass the full scope of our learning and see how it all comes together.”

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