Revealed: Cause of Death for Kilungu Boys Student who Died Days after Admission

The Form one student, Emmanuel Kirimi Kaimenyi, who passed away just ten days after admission, succumbed to a natural death, according to a statement by the school’s official.

Karimi fell ill on the morning of Thursday, January 25, and was swiftly transported to Kilungu Sub County Hospital, where he was declared dead upon arrival.

The school principal, Geoffrey Muema, reported that the boy had complained of stomach pains and was promptly taken to the government health facility located approximately 800 meters from the school.

“The student requested one of his classmates to escort him to the toilets and his condition suddenly worsened. He became unconscious and was rushed to a nearby hospital by two teachers,” said the school head.

Kimeu recounted that he received a call from the teachers moments later and was asked to join them after medical professionals at the hospital were unable to resuscitate the boy.

The principal further explained that the boy fell ill a few minutes before ten o’clock, rapidly lost consciousness, and ultimately passed away at 11 am.

“I immediately called the Education office and briefed them and then proceeded to report the student’s sudden death at Kilungu police station,” he told the Nation on Sunday.

On Sunday, the Chairman of the school’s Board of Management, Kennedy Malinda, stated that an autopsy had disclosed the cause of death as an infection, dispelling earlier speculations about injuries from bullying.

“I had promised to issue a statement on the unfortunate incident of our student who passed on at Kilungu Boys School. The postmortem was done this afternoon at Chiromo Mortuary by the Government pathologist in the presence of all interested parties. The results indicated that it was a natural death caused by an infection,” he said.

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