Robert Badinter calls for the universal abolition of the death penalty

40 years after convincing French deputies to abolish the death penalty, Robert Badinter called for universal abolition. A quarter of countries still practice capital punishment.

This is the fight of his life. For the commemorations of the abolition of the death penalty in France, Robert Badinter has not lost his conviction. “The death penalty is doomed to disappear from this world, because it is a disgrace for humanity. Long live universal abolition ”, he declared. We are still far away on universal abolition. Around fifty states around the world continue to apply it. At least 483 executions were recorded in 2020. Admittedly, this number has never been so low for ten years, but it is very underestimated. Because China refuses to communicate its figures.

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In France, it was François Mitterrand, against the tide of public opinion, who announced his desire to abolish the death penalty from the 1981 presidential campaign. “I am against the death penalty and no I don’t need to read the polls, which say otherwise. A majority opinion is for the death penalty, ”he said. Subsequently, his Minister of Justice Robert Badinter made history with a famous speech to the deputies. The National Assembly abolishes the death penalty. “Tomorrow, thanks to you, for our common shame, there will no longer be any stealth executions at dawn under the black canopy in French prisons. Tomorrow, the bloody pages of our justice will be turned. ”

The last executed by the French justice and Hamida Djandoubi in 1977. Since then, the guillotines were scrapped and the abolition of the death penalty is enshrined in the French constitution. The debate therefore seemed closed, but recently Éric Zemmour declared himself in favor of the death penalty. So this morning, Emmanuel Macron reacted: “In France as in Europe, voices that were believed to be stifled are emerging from the depths of history to call for the reinstatement of the death penalty. To those who defend this justice which kills, tell us if you are not seized by the vertigo of fear in the face of the blind, metallic machine of the administration of death. ”

From 2022, the President of the Republic wants to organize in Paris a meeting between States to encourage the last recalcitrant countries to abolish the death penalty.

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