Ronaldo “not a fan” of video games, Jota explains why

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CR7’s stance on video games is revealed by his Portugal teammate.

Cristiano Ronald is too competitive to play video games, according to Liverpool star Diogo Jota.

Jota has recently taken his love for gaming to the next level by creating his own eSports team called “Diogo Jota eSports”. The Portuguese forward has played against a host of elite FIFA players in recent years, even claiming the top spot on the game’s Ultimate Team Champions leaderboard back in 2021.

Speaking to FourFourTwoJota was asked if he had ever played FIFA with Ronaldo.

“I don’t think Ronaldo is a fan of video games,”the Liverpool forward responded.

When asked if Ronaldo would decline a game of FIFA if he sensed the possibility of losing, Jota added:“Yeah, exactly! He’s very competitive.”

Ronaldo’s relentless strive for winning has been evident on the pitch throughout his illustrious career. But CR7 often stays competitive in his personal life.

Former Manchester United star Nani, who lived with Ronaldo at the beginning of his career at Old Trafford, was also kept on his toes by CR7.

“Cristiano was very competitive. When you’re staying in his house for a day, it means he challenges you at any time,” Nani told UTD Podcast in 2020.

“He had a swimming pool, a tennis court and ping-pong table. Sometimes, it’s just competing to see who knows who’s telling the truth, or who is right about something.

“Every time, there was a discussion to see who was right or who was better.

“The only time we were not playing was the night time, we’d sit on the sofa talking and Cristiano would just disappear [to bed].”

❗️Bernardo Silva:

“A few times in the National Team, Ronaldo told us he thought he deserved more (Ballon D’Or) when he didn’t win it: Cristiano always likes to be on top, he’s very competitive, of course he’s never happy when he doesn’t win.”

— CR7 Portugal (@CR7_PORFC) May 12, 2023

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