ROSU MEMBERS INTENTIONALLY DAMAGED CARS ON BRNJAK! The helpless and disappointed did the same in Jarinje!

PRIPADNICI ROSU NAMERNO OŠTETILI AUTOMOBILE NA BRNJAKU! Nemoćni i razočarani isto uradili i na Jarinju!

Facebook / Igor Simić

The vice president of the Serbian List, Igor Simić, said that the members of ROSU deliberately damaged a dozen parked cars owned by Serbs on Brnjak tonight

He said that the incident happened tonight around midnight when the ROSU shift was carried out.


– Obviously they couldn’t hide their disappointment that our citizens did not settle for provocations in the previous 11 days and that an agreement was reached today that respects the interests of our people, said Simić, who posted photos of damaged cars on Facebook.

Photo: Facebook / Igor Simić

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He added that the same thing happened in Jarinje, where ROSU special forces damaged the vehicles of journalist teams.

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