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Regarding “should I sign up for Apple Arcade”, my issue with any subscription – at all – is that they’re easy to lose track of, and endlessly keep paying for something one might not use.
If there is not an easy way to ensure that the subscription’s auto-renew is turned off, then don’t sign up for it. Subscription services should not be rewarded for being obnoxious.
If there is an easy way to ensure that auto-renew is turned off, then yes, just try Apple Arcade. Time is precious; spending too much time worrying over whether it’s worth $5.00 is a substantially greater loss than the actual $5.00.
QotW: I wasn’t disappointed by Blizzcon, mostly because Battle for Azeroth had torpedoed my expectations to an all-time low. The Shadowlands World of Warcraft expansion looks like it might have a significantly better story than BfA, which sadly is not saying much.
I will probably get the cheaper, basic Shadowlands expansion, because I cannot stand the appearance of the in-game mount and in-game pet of the more expensive versions.
I do appreciate the lower price point of $40, making Shadowlands $10 cheaper than the Legion and BfA base expansions were.