RPGCast – Episode 494: “Unfortunate Nay”

6 Responses

  1. I regret buying the Ultimate Muscle wrestling game for gamecube full price. I honestly have no idea why I ever bought it to begin with. What a waste of $60.

  2. Final Fantasy XII. I’m definitely in the minority, but playing this game too often became a Let’s Play before Let’s Plays were even a thing, it was more watching than playing. Stupid demo in DQVIII seemed OK. Then I buy the full game and set my gambits and lost interest immediately. Worst game I ever played until the end. But I paid full price, so I kept going. I recall the Halloween I played it and I kept getting up to answer the door to pass out candy, and I never paused. My wife was looking on and questioned why I was even “playing” as the game did just fine without me present when I got up and walked away.

  3. If I truly enjoy a game, I won’t regret paying full price for it. I don’t regret paying $90 for a scarce copy Radiant Historia for the original DS (from a third-party seller) when it got reprinted for $30 roughly a month later, and then remade on 3DS years later, because I greatly enjoyed playing Radiant Historia. (Well, I don’t regret blowing $90 on it TOO much.)

    I regret paying full price for Pokken Tournament DX on the Switch. Its story mode seems to be far more limited than I hoped it would be, and I knew from the beginning that I wasn’t going to play online battles… I really should have kept my $60.

  4. There isn’t an anime adaptation of Shin Megami Tensei, though there are are few manga adaptations. Maybe Kelly is talking about the anime OAV of Digital Devil Story: Megami Tensei? It’s an adaptation of the original novel that the entire video game franchise spawned from. It still boggles my mind that the MegaTen metaseries started as a series of kind of trashy novels.

    There is also already a Devil Survivor 2 anime series, though I’ve heard it isn’t very good.

    As for the question of the week, I can’t really think of any game that I’ve regretted buying at full price. There were some games I didn’t enjoy that much, but they weren’t expensive. I almost considered Hyrule Warriors for the Wii U, but that was a gift.

    • I looked at my source and you are 100% correct. https://hg101.kontek.net/megaten/anime.htm My bad. I’ve been wanting to get my hands on those novels for ages. There is a used bookstore in Tulsa that has a pretty decent foreign language section where i check every time I’m there. Maybe one day I’ll get my hands on it.

  5. I feel I should clarify, generally, I also skew more JRPG than any other permutation of RPG as well. The exception being Bioware games, as the original Mass Effect Trilogy are my all time favorite games. But beyond that, stuff like Final Fantasy, Tales of, Trails games, Breath of Fires, Dragon Quests, Tokyo Mirage Sessions, the Mana series, Pokemon, and the like are TOTALLY my jam. And I understand these things are entirely subjective. I was just trying to make a joke as it was a very strange correlation I notice ^^;

    My feelings on Anthem may be colored in a favorable light because, for whatever reason, across the 15+ hours I’ve been able to devote to it since launch (hey, I’m busy. Don’t judge me) I’ve only come across a single bug (the sound drop out bug). No crashes, or other bugs, or anything I keep seeing screamed about all over the intertubes. I don’t know if that’s cause I play on PC or because I’m extremely lucky or what.

    Also, lemme say #TeamScorbunny!!!

    QOTW: The game I regret buying at launch for full price would definitely be Final Fantasy VIII. FF7 was the first FF I’d ever bought (not play, but bought), and I fell right into the pre launch hype. Even played that FF8 demo a million times. Then I got the game and I wasn’t having any fun. At some point I found I kept playing it just for completionism’s sake and because I was hoping there’d be another Laguna segment (which there were criminally not enough of). It was the first time I’d been introduced to the idea, “Maybe, just maybe, you’re not gonna enjoy every entry in a series,” or, “Not every entry in a series you love is gonna be good (in your opinion).”

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