Russell Crowe teases upcoming summer tour


05 March 2024


Russell Crowe has shared details of his upcoming summer tour.

The actor/musician and his rock band are taking their Indoor Garden Party Tour across Europe this summer.

The six-stop trek, which kicks off in Dublin on 1 July, will feature performances by The Gentleman Barbers and Lorraine O’Reilly.

“Prepping for a show is very similar to prepping for a role,” Russell told People in a new interview. “You’ve got to give yourself the time focused on it so the details seep into your bones. The older I get, the more important it has become to prep my voice too. The shows tend to be 20-plus songs, so it’s a big sing as they say.”

Russell formed his rock band, 30 Odd Foot of Grunts, in 1992. He then began a solo career in 2005.

In the interview, The Gladiator star noted that his upcoming series of shows will be “quite different” from his previous tours, which were mainly limited to Australia and New Zealand.

However, Russell said that he and his band “try to bring that corner pub intimacy” with them, no matter the size of the audience.

The Nice Guys actor then revealed that his eldest son Charlie, 20, may make an appearance during the tour.

“He got up with us a few times last year, and I’m hoping that he does that again,” Russell told the outlet. “He has a great voice. So much musicality and control. Way more than his old man at the same age. He is a fine songwriter, a real craftsman.”

The actor added that he hoped his youngest son, 17-year-old Tennyson, would also perform, but “it’s his last year of high school and he’s got some big exams coming up”.

Russell shares both sons with his ex-wife Danielle Spencer.

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