The second collection of essays by Yuki Iwai, Haraichi, has received a great response, and the reprint is decided immediately!The design of the obi and 2 prints made with the reader is also released

The second collection of essays by Haraichi and Yuki Iwai has received a great response, and the reprint is decided immediately! The design of the obi and 2 prints made with the reader is also released

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ハライチ・岩井勇気のエッセイ集第2弾『どうやら僕の日常生活はまちがっている』大反響たちまち重版決定!読者と作る帯、2刷のデザイン公開! (1)

The second collection of essays by Yuki Iwai, Haraichi, “Apparently my daily life is wrong” has been reprinted immediately! The design of the obi and 2 prints made with the reader is released! (1)

ハライチ・岩井勇気のエッセイ集第2弾『どうやら僕の日常生活はまちがっている』大反響たちまち重版決定!読者と作る帯、2刷のデザイン公開! (1)  Haraichi Yuki Iwai’s essay collection “Apparently my daily life is wrong” released on September 28th has received a great response, including a flood of reservations even before the release! Reprint was decided early.

Fans in this work The industry’s first attempt, “the” obi “general election,” in which the obi design of the book is decided by voting, is being held. We are pleased to announce the design that has been decided to be used for the 2nd printing obi!

The 2nd printing band is .

The image is only on the front cover of the obi. This continuation is printed on the back and back cover of the obi.

■ Click here for details on the “obi” general election, where the obi design of the book is decided by fan voting https: // www.

■ September 28 Mr. Iwai is on the cover of the daily PR magazine “Nami”!
A talk with Jane Su to commemorate the publication, and a book review by Manabu Makime!

In the October issue of the PR magazine “Wave”, Mr. Iwai is on the cover and with Jane Su. The publication commemorative dialogue and the book review of Manabu Makime are posted.
・ Magazine “Wave”

・ You can read the dialogue with Jane Su here.

■ Click here for a trial reading of the essays included in the book book / 352882 / preview /

In addition to his activities as a comedy combination Haraichi, he continues to demonstrate his diverse talents, including radio personality, game production, manga originals, music, and appearances in dramas and commercials. Mr. Yuki Iwai who is doing. The first collection of essays, “No Incidents Occur in My Life,” has become a huge bestseller with a cumulative total of over 100,000 copies.
On September 28th, I challenged the novel for the first time in the second installment, “Apparently my daily life is wrong” for the first time in two years.
In addition to 22 popular serialized essays of “Shosetsu Shincho” and “Book Bang” and newly written essays, a total of 24 essays with plenty of reading are included! Continuing from the previous work, it is full of autographed illustrations.

■ “Apparently my daily life is wrong” Content introduction ハライチ・岩井勇気のエッセイ集第2弾『どうやら僕の日常生活はまちがっている』大反響たちまち重版決定!読者と作る帯、2刷のデザイン公開! (1)  Throat As soon as I faint in agony with the bones of the fish stuck in my throat, I finish the reception of my classmate who was asked to give a speech. While imagining what to eat on the last day of the earth, I suddenly cry at Tora-san’s movie …. With that fearless smile, Haraichi Iwai takes a blow in everyday life.
Cumulative total of over 100,000 copies This is the first in the second installment following “No incidents occur in my life” Also includes novel works! This is the long-awaited latest essay collection that will change the world if you read it.

■ Challenge the first short story newly written! Mr. Iwai, who continues to play an active role beyond the framework of an entertainer, tried “novel” for the first time this time.
One holiday evening, “I” who passed through the alley to the supermarket arrived at the “back world” , There is another “I” … Please also pay attention to “No incident in my life”, which depicts “another life” that may have been possible!

■ Table of Contents ハライチ・岩井勇気のエッセイ集第2弾『どうやら僕の日常生活はまちがっている』大反響たちまち重版決定!読者と作る帯、2刷のデザイン公開! (1)  Introduction
I can’t get the bones of the fish stuck in my throat
1 person tavern The night of the previous ride that debuted
Humiliation betrayed by the theory of mixed bathing

Being distracted by the stepping stones and finishing the party
During the summer vacation Memories of 2 days of hell
What you want to eat on the last day of the earth

4 years when a fox-faced man took over his life
Imagine living alone as a teenager
Over 30 years old “I want to play the guitar”
I saw “Tora-san” for the first time in Shibuya
The truth about dark boxing
Memories of the housing complex And Masashi
Thinking about Japanese Puchohenza
VR machine I got as a birthday present
Self-love・ Events in the yoga class The case where the treatment of angels is messy

Move to the landlord’s house next to the ruins
The tragedy of the collaboration campaign
Clogged toilet and mysterious gambling
I have no luck with my bicycle
I tried to overcome my weakness in coriander

A life in which an incident of a former bad junior occurs
With my mother over diatomaceous earth bath mats Offense and Defense
Novel No incidents occur in my life

■ Comment from Yuki Iwai about the publication of the new work

1986 Saitama Prefecture birth. Formed “Haraichi” with Yu Sawabe, who was a childhood friend from kindergarten, and made his debut in 2006. Immediately get attention. I am also in charge of blurring and making material. I love anime and cats. His special skill is the piano.
・ Official Twitter

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