Russia sends film team to the International Space Station

Raumstation ISS (Archivbild)

Space Station ISS (archive image)


Paolo Nespoli / dpa

A number of films that are set in space are considered classics in cinema history – such as “2001: A Space Odyssey” or “Star Wars”. But the vastness of space was not used as a backdrop, but mostly a studio background in Hollywood . That is now changing.

For the first time in the history of space travel, a feature film is to be shot in space. For this purpose, a Russian film team will set off for the International Space Station ISS this Tuesday. The actress Julia Peressild and the director Klim Schipenko are transported with a »Soyuz« rocket from the Baikonur spaceport in Kazakhstan take off in Central Asia. And after more than three hours of flight time, arrive on the ISS with the spaceship.

The film people have twelve days to shoot 400 kilometers above the Earth Time before they leave the outpost of humanity. “Wysow”, challenge, is the working title of the film, which is to be partly created in space and which the Russian space agency Roskosmos jointly produced with the state broadcaster Perwy Kanal.

Surgical intervention from the ISS not possible

“It’s difficult, scary, but very interesting at the same time to be a pioneer!” Wrote the actress on Instagram. The 37-year-old had prevailed among thousands of applicants. For weeks she and the director went through training in preparation for the time in weightlessness.

Peressild plays a doctor in the film, announced as a space drama, who is supposed to save a cosmonaut who is sick on the ISS. The spaceman has therefore lost consciousness. He would not survive the return flight to Earth. The doctor should therefore operate on him on the ISS. 35 minutes of the film should take place in space.

In reality, a surgical intervention on a space station is not possible, said the vice director of Institute of Medical and Biological Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Oleg Kotov. “At most, it is possible to sew vessels or the skin.” There are also medical devices for resuscitation there, he told the Ria Novosti state agency. Serious illnesses would have to be treated on earth.

When the film team arrives on the ISS, command on board will be in the hands of the French astronaut Thomas Pesquet, who took over the responsible office from his Japanese colleague Akihiko Hoshide on Monday. The 43-year-old is the boss of the six other space travelers on board, who come from the USA , Russia and Japan come. At the end of October, the German astronaut Matthias Maurer, who is friends with Pesquet and is expected to spend six months in space, is expected on the ISS.

Tom Cruise also has space plans

On their way to the ISS in the »Soyuz MS-19«, Peressild and Schipenko are accompanied by the cosmonaut Anton Schkaplerow. The 49-year-old also gets a role in the planned Russian film: He will be seen as a spaceman who flies the doctor to the ISS. Before the start, he said that the role as an actor was unfamiliar to him. “This is not a poem we learned in school.”

Roskosmos also sees the film as a scientific and educational project. The aim is to advertise the space traveler’s profession and do PR for the industry. In the opinion of the space agency, the accelerated training that the film team went through will also be needed in the future to send other specialists such as doctors or researchers into space – not just full-time astronauts.

The Nasa was also planning a shoot on the ISS. But actor Tom Cruise in conversation , which is supposed to fly to the station himself. But there is still no time for it. On the way into space the “Star Trek” actor William Shatner , who flies into space with the company Blue Origin, but will not visit the ISS. There will also be no filming on board the »New Shepard« rocket.

Russia wants to bring private space tourists into space in the future and earn money with them. It was only last week that Roscosmos made high revenue losses in the past year due to the pandemic public.

It is unclear how long the ISS will continue remains in operation. The international partner’s contract expires in 2024. Russia’s President
Vladimir Putin last gave the green light for his country to participate beyond 2024.

Experts always warn against this again facing problems with which the more than 20 year old station has to struggle. There have been several leaks in the past and the systems for treating water and oxygen failed. There were also difficulties with the toilets.

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