Sá Pinto responds to Grimaldo: «Each one uses their weapons as best they can»

Ricardo Sá Pinto, coach of Moreirense, in statements to journalists after the draw with Benfica at Estádio da Luz:

«It is normal, when you cannot be sharp, create so many opportunities or be so competent offensively against a team like ours, let there be some frustration. I understand his frustration, because it was really difficult to play against us. Everyone uses their strategies and weapons as best they can. But there was no antigame and it never will be with me.»

[Sobre o jogo]

«We knew we had to be very organized. Benfica are strong in all sectors, they have high quality players and many options. We knew we had to play our game: try to stop them in every way and then some. We knew we were going to suffer and that we had to be very organized. We prepared the game well in that aspect, but we lacked arrival, especially in the first half. Benfica was very strong in the reaction to the loss and we were not very productive with the ball in the first half.

In the second half it was a little more of the same, except for the last 15 minutes , in which we had to suffer more and there were more balls in the area and a little more direct play. We stopped the inside game well, we gave the outside game, because, to give, it had to be that side and we also have a very strong defensive line in the air game. It was rare for us to give one or the other situation. But we knew that we would have to be happy and we had one or another situation, but the competitive attitude we had, the team spirit and the will to fight for the three points, which is what we came here to do. We didn’t just come to defend, we came with the strategy of taking advantage of the counterattack.

It was a shame we had a minute to savor that goal. If we had held on for five or six minutes, I think we would have gotten that result. It was a pity, but we knew how to suffer AND hold on to this result, which, within what we expected, turned out to be good for us.

It’s a very difficult start for me and my team technique, but a win in a derby and draw against Luz I think it’s a very good start. It’s going to be a great fight until the end and any point we win, especially against these great opponents, is very tasty.»

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