“Sabq” Weekly Brief: The Houthis are falling…Support for housing beneficiaries…The Crescent is “Super”…and this is a punishment for the violator of separation

Throughout the past week, “Previously” continued its efforts to monitor, follow up and analyze daily local and international events through its editorial team, and was a pioneer in putting its readers at the heart of events through distinguished coverage around the clock, not without exclusive news, light, and deep reports,

The past week witnessed a number of events, the most prominent of which was the announcement by the Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs and Housing that it was launching a new initiative with the aim of enabling citizens to own a home with ease. Supporting legitimacy in Yemen demolished the “Houthi” fortresses, inflicting heavy losses on the militia.

The week also witnessed the death of a member of the Council of Senior Scholars Sheikh Saleh bin Muhammad al-Luhaidan, while an official source in the Public Prosecution announced the conviction of 6 defendants in the case Money laundering and the issuance of a court ruling to imprison them for 31 years and confiscate and fine them more than 152 million riyals. (Support for housing beneficiaries)
The Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs and Housing has confirmed that it is launching a new initiative with the aim of Enabling the citizen to own a home with ease, noting that it will be announced soon, pointing out that the program will include all eligible people who did not benefit from the support previously.

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The Houthis are falling
The planes of the Coalition to Support Legitimacy and the Giants Brigades continued to injure the militia The Houthis suffered heavy losses, as the Giants Brigades announced their liberation of the Baihan district of the upper city, while the “coalition” destroyed a ballistic missile launcher that the Iranian Houthi militia had used to bomb residential neighborhoods.

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“Erlo”’s malicious role

The Coalition to Support Legitimacy in Yemen revealed, through its official spokesperson, about the role played by the Iranian ambassador The former Hasan Erlo, who was supervising the Houthi piracy operations.

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“Al-Houthi” kidnapped “Rawabi”

Today, the Coalition to Support Legitimacy in Yemen announced that the Houthi militia had kidnapped the cargo ship “Rawabi”. Off Al-Hodeidah, the hijacked ship was carrying equipment for the operation of a Saudi hospital on the island of Socotra, and it was on a naval mission from Socotra Island to the port of Jizan.

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Shall we go back to square “zero”?
The official spokesman for the Ministry of Health said that a return to square one and zero from the stone and others is very unlikely in light of the formation of community immunity and the availability of vaccines, at a time when the security spokesman for the Ministry of Interior warned against returning to the slippers, pointing out that the curve is still My symptoms are noticeably and frighteningly escalating, and it may take us back for days that we do not want to return if we do not comply.
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The penalty for violating the spacing
The Ministry of Interior said The failure to adhere to the social distancing distances, and the refusal to take the temperature when entering the headquarters of the public and private sectors; Violates the preventive measures against the Corona virus.
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(“Money laundering” costs its perpetrators imprisonment and a fine
An official source in the Public Prosecution announced the conviction of 6 accused in the money laundering case and the issuance of a court ruling They are imprisoned for 31 years, confiscated and fined more than 152 million riyals, representing the equivalent value of illegal funds smuggled abroad.

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A quick decision by the Emir of Jazan
The Emir of Jazan region issued, Prince Muhammad bin Nasser bin Abdulaziz, his urgent directives, to quickly investigate the incident of the participation of a dance troupe in a downtown event in the winter of Jizan 2022, and to take the necessary measures to prevent any abuses. ) For more details:
https://sabq .org/ftN87C

The death of “Al-Luhaidan”
A member of the Council of Senior Scholars has passed away the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the former head of the Supreme Judicial Council, Sheikh Saleh bin Muhammad al-Luhaidan; Last Wednesday, at the age of ninety years, after a long illness; What he finally entered the intensive care unit.
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Al-Hilal “Super”

Al-Hilal won the Super Cup after defeating Al-Faisaly on penalties, which the two teams ruled after the end of the match, that took place last Thursday, in a tie.
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)) Kazakhstan is on fire
Kazakhstan has recently been living in a hot pan, following the outbreak of demonstrations against the president and the government, which were marred by violence and fuss meadow; This led to dozens of deaths and injuries among the demonstrators and security forces.
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