Salisbury, MD Chef & Author Publishes Southern Cookbook

Delmarva’s Southern Foods Can Be Healthy: From The Garden, to the Kitchen Table, a new book by Charmaine Leah Matthews, has been released by Dorrance Publishing Co., Inc.

Raised on the Delmarva Eastern Shore by parents that were great home cooks, Charmaine Leah Matthews was blessed to have grown up helping her parents make hearty and healthy southern food dishes from a young age. From savory entrees like Lemon Turmeric Fried Catfish to Onion Roll Smoked Paprika Crab Cake with Fries, indulgent desserts like Strawberry Whip Cream Shortcake, and adult beverages like Garlic Pickle Hot Sauce Shot, you’ll truly get a taste for old-fashioned homestyle southern cooking.

About the Author
Charmaine Leah Matthews is a chef, having graduated from the American InterContinental University’s online program with a specialization in Le’Cordon Bleu. Matthews finds great joy in the hospitality industry and strives to impart her first-hand knowledge of southern cuisine in others.

Delmarva’s Southern Foods Can Be Healthy: From The Garden, to the Kitchen Table is a 110-page hardcover with a retail price of $54.00 (eBook $49.00). The ISBN is 978-1-6495-7055-0. It was published by Dorrance Publishing Co., Inc of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. For members of the press, to request a review copy, visit our virtual pressroom at or to buy the book visit our online bookstore at

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