Sanremo: Gianni Morandi remains in the race

“Regarding the involuntary dissemination of the piece by Gianni Morandi, competing in Sanremo , the Artistic Direction in agreement with Rai1, he does not think he should exclude the aforementioned song because it was a pure technical problem , due to Morandi’s need to wear a brace on his right hand which has undergone several interventions to following the accident that occurred a few months ago “. Rai announces it in a press release. “The impediment to the movement of the hand caused the error for which Morandi put on the net the back stage he was seeing privately” he concludes. The song and Morandi therefore remain in the competition.

What happened: a fragment of the song Open All Doors, written by Jovanotti for him, was published by mistake on his social profile (and then immediately removed). Morandi in the video was talking to the producer dj Mousse T about the song, with the song in the background.

A similar incident happened last year: Fedez risked disqualification for having accidentally posted on Instagram a few seconds of the song with which he was competing with Francesca Michielin . The piece was later admitted and came in second place. ” The duration of the interpretation in the video, posted and subsequently deleted by the artist, – Rai wrote in the motivations – is in fact extremely short and such as not to reveal the piece itself, which cannot be considered widespread and therefore retains the novelty feature required by the regulations of the event “.

” This time I made it big. I was wrong to inadvertently post a video on Facebook with fragments of the song I have to sing in Sanremo. I insist on doing it alone but I’m really a clumsy! As soon as I realized I deleted it but someone had already seen it. I am heartbroken, sorry and I apologize very much to Rai, to the artistic direction of the Festival, to my record company, to the musicians, to the producer Mousse T, to Jovanotti and to all the people who are working on this project “, says Morandi on social media after risking exclusion from the Festival.


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