The Czech Republic was detained as Djokovic. She gave up the fight, flew home from Australia

Voráčová felt like a prisoner in the hotel

MELBOURNE. Czech tennis player Renata Voráčová, who lost her visa in Australia after not being granted an exemption from vaccination against COVID-19, flew from Melbourne on Saturday. The AFP agency reported this with reference to government sources. According to the ABC website, the 81st debtor of the world, who planned to take part in the Australian Open grand slam tournament, is currently boarding a flight to Dubai on Saturday night local time. Like Srba Novak Djokovic, Voracova was placed in a quarantine hotel in Melbourne, but unlike the men’s world unit, she decided not to fight in court and flew home.

Djokovič ďakoval za podporu, pred hotelom spievajú fanúšikovia

Doubl’s specialist previously stated that she felt like a prisoner on the premises of the Park Hotel. “I’m in a room with a window that can’t be opened to five centimeters and I can’t move anywhere. There are guards everywhere, they’re patrolling right under the building window, which is really fun. Maybe they thought I wanted to jump up and run. Conditions are normal. , it is such a better hostel. However, some practices are not very pleasant. I have to report, everything is allotted, “Voráčová told the portal.
The Czech Republic has applied for a medical exemption because it has overcome covid-19 in the past six months. “I got it before Christmas, I also had some medical indications, so I met all the criteria set by the Australian Tennis Association. In the end, however, my visa was revoked and I was currently in the facility.” Unlike Djokovic, Voráčová got through immigration control at the airport, spent a week in Australia and played at the WTA tournament in Melbourne on Wednesday. Lesley Pattinamaová Kerkhoveová, Arina Rodionovová 2: 6, 4: 6, they lost to the Dutch-Australian pair Lesley Pattinama 2: 6, 4: 6
Djokovič ďakoval za podporu, pred hotelom spievajú fanúšikovia

Právnici odtajnili, prečo Djokovič žiadal výnimku z očkovania
After being placed in an immigration facility, she agreed not to start in the inaugural grand slam tournament of the year in the Australian Open. “I’m not going to appeal, Thursday’s interrogation was enough for me. I spent several hours there until the night. I don’t want to experience anything like that anymore, moreover, it’s not at all certain that I would be able to reverse the decision. I would have to apply for other visas and be locked in a hotel without the opportunity to train. Even if I succeeded, I would have to start the match after two days. ”

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