Saudi Arabia on the way to UAE, people shocked to see women in new avatar

saudi arabia

Saudi Arabia’s attitude towards women Leaving conservative thinking behind. Now he has allowed his women to take part in a competition organized for camels. For the first time, Saudi Arabian women have paraded a camel in the camel beauty pageant, ‘Ships of the desert’. This camel beauty pageant was part of the King Abdelaziz Festival in which earlier only men participated.

saudi arabia women

saudi arabia

Women are very happy to be a part of this competition held in the Ruma desert, northeast of Saudi Arabia’s capital Riyadh. 27-year-old Lamiya al-Rashidi said, ‘I hope that Inshallah, we will definitely get prestige in society.’ Rashidi’s family has 40 camels and she grew up among camels.

To participate in the competition, she completely covered her face with a black scarf and A colorful shawl was hung over the shoulder. She told the news agency AFP, ‘I have been interested in camels since I was very young. When it was announced that women can also participate in this event, I decided to participate in it.’

camel beauty contest

40 participants participated in the women’s event and 5 top female participants were given prize money of one million rial (more than 19 crore 23 lakh 95 thousand). The beauty of the camel participating in this competition is judged on several parameters, but the size of the lips, neck and hump are the main ones.

camel saudi arabia

In December, several participants were disqualified for the event because their camel was given a banned botox injection. These injections are used to reduce facial wrinkles.

Sheikh Mohammed Bin Salman )

there was a time in this ceremony when horses on red sand The women paraded in black robes riding on the backs of the camels overtook the men wearing white robes. In fact, men with swords started dancing to the beat of the dholak, due to which they followed and women went ahead.

The oil-rich Gulf country strictly follows the rules of Islam, But since the coming to power of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman in 2017, extensive reforms have been made and some restrictions on women have been removed.

saudi arabiacamel festival

camel festival

said Mohamed Al-Harbi, manager of the festival , ‘Women have always been an integral part of the nomadic society. She has been the mistress of the camels and has been taking care of them.’

This 40-day festival of Saudi Arabia started last month. The manager said that the participation of women in this festival has been made keeping in mind the ‘historic heritage’ of Saudi Arabia.

Munira al-Mishkhas, another contestant who took part in the competition, said, ‘Camels have been around for a long time. have been a part of us since, but organizing a competition for us (for women) is a big step.’

This Seven-year-old Malath Bint Inad also participated in the competition. She was the youngest participant. His camel took third place in the competition. Malath’s father Inad bin Sultan is a camel trader and has more than 200 camels. That women are being given an opportunity to take part in this competition. He said, ‘This will increase the enthusiasm for the festivals and the price of camels will also increase.’

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