Schleswig-Holstein: More than 30 searches – police investigate suspected child pornography

The investigation concerns the suspicion of possession and distribution of child pornography: the police and public prosecutor’s office have carried out more than 30 searches in Schleswig-Holstein according to their own information.

According to the investigators, the raids were directed against suspects between the ages of 15 and 71 years. There was therefore no evidence that the cases were directly related or that the accused acted together. The searched apartments are said to be in the districts of Segeberg and Rendsburg-Eckernförde as well as in Neumünster. Evidence such as data carriers were confiscated during the searches. Arrest warrants had not been requested in advance. The evaluation of the numerous pieces of evidence would take a long time, it said. It will be checked whether and to which persons material has been passed on. Thereafter, the suspects are facing legal proceedings.

Case numbers are increasing

According to the police and the public prosecutor’s office, there are no allegations of sexual abuse or the production of child pornographic material.

Due to expanded controls on the Internet, the number of cases in the area of ​​child pornography that has become known has recently increased. In 2020, according to the investigators, 284 cases of possession and 219 of dissemination were known in Schleswig-Holstein. The police were able to clear up 271 or 210 of them. After a tightening of criminal law, possession and distribution of child pornography are considered a crime and are punished with at least one year in prison.

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