Seeing Double: Glen Powell Meets His Look-Alike Contest Winner at the 2025 Golden Globes

“We gotta do Powell face,” the actor said while taking a selfie with the winner on the red carpet

Glen Powell was walking the red carpet at the Golden Globe Awards on Sunday night when he ran into someone who looked eerily familiar…to himself! The actor ran into the winner of his look-alike contest, which took place in Austin, Texas, in November.

“Oh, it’s you!” Powell exclaimed after spotting his doppelgänger, a physician’s assistant named Maxwell Braunstein. The two men, both wearing suits and a pair of sunglasses, embraced before posing for a picture. The moment quickly became one of those “can you spot the differences” games, as Powell and Braunstein really did look that much alike.

“We gotta do Powell face,” Powell said. And even though we have no idea what that means, we can only assume it has something to do with exuding chill, charming, and handsome dude energy.

Powell even brought over his mom, who hand-selected Braunstein as the winner during the contest. “This is your Glen Powell look-alike winner,” he said. “That was so fun.”

Braunstein entered the contest with the expectations of taking home $5, a cowboy hat, and one year of free queso from the taco chain Torchy’s. But after Powell caught wind of the contest, he upped the ante. After making his own mom the judge, he sent in a video for the contest, offering the winner a cameo in one of his next movies — actually, not for the winner themselves, but for any member of their family. 

“Now, you may know that my parents make a cameo in every movie I make. But today, the winner of the Glen Powell Lookalike Contest wins their parents — or any family member of their choice — a cameo in my next movie. I am completely serious. This is a cash-value prize of $6 billion,” Powell explained in the clip.

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