CM Radio

CM Radio - March 15, 2017 - Bleeker, SpinCount, Record Attempt: Longest Concert

Bleeker, SpinCount, Record Attempt: Longest Concert

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  • It’s been a big year for the members of Bleeker, who dropped their latest album, Erase You, at the end of 2016. It was their first since changing their name from Bleeker Ridge, first with Five Seven Music, and earned them a nod for Breakthrough Group of the Year at the 2017 JUNO Awards. CM correspondent Kim Pardy met with the band ahead of a recent tour stop to talk about how they’re feeling about the ride. Plus, radio tracking and promotions company SpinCount is back as a Canadian Musician Career Booster prize partner for CBC Searchlight 2017. Company co-founder Kim Sinclair joins us to chat about a good radio campaign, how artists can maximize their changes at airplay, and more. Lastly, Kevin Ker of Epidemic Music Group joins us to talk about the community of Stoufville, ON’s upcoming attempt to break the Guinness World Record for longest continual concert. Starting this Friday, March 17th and running for 16 continues days, the initiative is a massive undertaking with all kinds of moving parts. Hear about what’s already gone into producing this feat, how the lineup came together, some of the surprises they have in store, and more.

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