‘Selhurst Park has fallen totally flat’ – Journalist says Crystal Palace are in need of a change

Crystal Palace have had a disappointing season by their standards so far and journalist Dean Jones feels that something needs to change soon.

While the Eagles are not too far behind where they were at this stage of last season their performances have been largely underwhelming and the fans have not enjoyed the football on this play at Selhurst Park this season.

Dean Jones has claimed that there is a disappointing vibe around Crystal Palace right now and changes will have to be made in order to turn things around.

He said: “Points wise, I don’t actually think this team is very different from where they were at the same stage last season.

“So, in that sense, no, but what I will say is you wouldn’t really know that because the difference in the vibe couldn’t be more vast.

“Selhurst Park has fallen totally flat, the fans are struggling to bounce off this team, it’s a really strange time, and something’s going to have to change in the next few months.”

Patrick Vieira made quite an impression last season but things have clearly not gone according to plan this time around.

Palace are in need of reinforcements and it will be interesting to see if they can improve the playing squad considerably at the end of the season.

Palace are currently 12th in the league table and we will be hoping to improve in the coming weeks and finish as high as possible. A club of their stature should be finishing in the top half regularly and pushing for European qualification.

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