Seven (Avoidable) Everyday Habits That Make You Age “Faster”

Most people think the obvious — chain smoking, binge drinking, and eating junk food are the only things that speed up the aging process.

That means you’re safe if you don’t do any of those things, right?…..CONTINUE READING


When my doctor explained my oxidative stress test results, I learned that my antioxidant levels were significantly lower than they should be. That meant free radicals damaged my cells at a higher rate than they should be.

I was surprised since I didn’t consider myself an “unhealthy” person. I work out regularly, eat relatively healthy and don’t smoke or drink.

So how could this be? I’m only thirty-something!

Highlighting some everyday habits that break down the natural enzymes in our body, she showed how easy it is to reduce inflammation and fight off free radicals.

Here are seven easily avoidable everyday habits that are making you age faster than normal:

I used to be a side sleeper, but I switched to sleeping on my back a few years ago.

I didn’t think much of it then, but I’ve since learned that sleeping sideways can make you age faster.

According to Dr. Goesel Anson, a member of “The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery:”

In a nutshell, sleeping on one side generates “sleep lines.” Temporary wrinkles can become permanent if untreated (i.e., if the sleeping position isn’t corrected).

How can you avoid this?

Dermatologists recommend sleeping on your back to avoid sleep lines.

I’ve always been pretty healthy, so I never had to take medication regularly.

But a couple of years ago, I started experiencing back pain issues requiring me to take medication daily.

While I was grateful that there were medications available to help me deal with my pain, I was also concerned about their long-term effects.

Research states corticosteroids (steroids) are often prescribed to treat internal inflammation. While they’re effective in reducing inflammation, they also have some serious side effects, such as:

Corticosteroids can also suppress the immune system, making you more susceptible to infections.

Another study suggests that antidepressants can also speed up the aging process. While they’re effective in treating depression, they can also cause a number of side effects, such as:

If you’re taking medication, talk to your doctor about the potential side effects and what you can do to minimize them.

I had a myth that as long as I ate healthy most of the time, it was okay to indulge in sugary sweets every once in a while.

Research says:
Sugar causes glycation, a process in which sugar molecules attach themselves to proteins, forming advanced glycation end products (AGEs).

AGEs cause inflammation and damage the collagen and elastin fibers in your skin, resulting in wrinkles and sagging skin.

They also promote the formation of free radicals, which damage cells and lead to premature aging.

So if you want to keep your skin looking young and healthy, cut back on the sugar.

You can read about sugar quitting journey here:

We all know that exposure to UV rays can cause skin damage, including wrinkles and age spots.

But did you know that the damage isn’t limited to your face?

Your neck, hands, and chest are also susceptible to UV damage.
Experts suggest:

Another scientific research attests:

And yet, most of us don’t think to protect these areas when we spend time in the sun.

Be sure to apply sunscreen to your neck, hands, and chest every time you go outside, even if it’s just for a short time.

The Skin Cancer Foundation suggests using an SPF of 30 or higher.

Reapply sunscreen every two hours when outdoors, say, experts.

Stress is bad for health.

Not doing anything about it is worse.

When stressed, your body goes into “fight or flight” mode.

This releases stress hormones, such as cortisol, which negatively impact your health.
Cortisol has been linked to a number of health problems, such as high blood pressure, heart disease, and obesity.

It can also cause inflammation, which is one of the main reasons why our skin ages prematurely.

So, to keep your skin looking young and healthy, it’s important to find ways to manage stress.

There are a number of different stress-relieving techniques you can try, but here’s what I recommend:

Find what works best for you and make it a daily routine.

I’m guilty of this! I used to spend hours in front of the TV, binge-watching anything and everything on Netflix.

But not anymore.

According to WebMD, repetitive eye motion, flicker, glare, and contrast can lead to “computer vision syndrome.”

This condition is caused by the blue light emitted from screens, which can strain your eyes and cause headaches, dry eyes, and blurry vision.

What’s more, blue light exposure can also disrupt your sleep patterns and make you feel more tired during the day.

According to S leep Foundation, if you’re not getting enough sleep, it can take a toll on your skin.

Lack of sleep can cause dark circles, fine lines, and wrinkles.

So if you want to keep your skin looking its best, it’s important to limit your screen time.

Take regular breaks, and get at least 7–8 hours of sleep every night.

We all know we should drink eight glasses of water daily, but few of us actually do.

The benefits of staying hydrated are well-known: it flushes out toxins, prevents headaches, and gives you glowing skin. However, not drinking enough water can also speed up the aging process.

But there’s a difference between dehydration and dry skin.
Dehydration causes

the skin to become dry, wrinkled, and less elastic. It also makes the lips appear thinner. Its symptoms are weakness, dark-colored urine, fatigue, dizziness, etc.

Whereas dry skin symptoms include:

A study published in the Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology showed that even mild dehydration could cause significant changes in skin tone and texture.

So, don’t ignore the importance of hydration…..CONTINUE READING

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