Seven Knights Idle Adventure adds Karma, new Guild War mode, limited-time events and more in latest update


Grab new heroes with a rate-up chance

Seven Knights Idle Adventure adds Karma, new Guild War mode, limited-time events and more in latest update
  • Karma is the final member of the Four Lords of Old
  • Engage in 30v30 PvP in new Guild War mode
  • Medal of Honor will be up for grabs

Netmarble has announced an exciting new update for Seven Knights Idle Adventure, letting everyone welcome a new legendary hero to the idle RPG. In particular, you can look forward to having the final member of the Four Lords of Old, Karma, join the fray. This also comes with a new Guild War mode among other additions.

In the latest update to Seven Knights Idle Adventure, you can expect to wield the power of Defense-type hero Karma as he boosts your party’s survivability with a handy shield. He can also buff his teammates each time he lands a critical hit.

Meanwhile, the new 30v30 PvP Guild War lets you duke it out with other teams to boost your Destruction Score. You can take part as long as your guild has 20 or more members – and it may very well be well worth the effort, given that the Medal of Honor will be up for grabs to help you level up your Emblem growth system.


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Of course, there will also be limited-time events to coincide with these updates, including the Rate Up Summon Event for Karma, Amelia, Zahara and Nezha. The Spirited Mages’ Carnival Event, on the other hand, lets you nab points to redeem the Legendary heroes Salem, Tara and Noa.

If you’re eager to join in on all the fun, you can do so by checking out Seven Knights Idle Adventure on the App Store and on Google Play. It’s a free-to-play game with in-app purchases.

You can also join the community of followers on the official Facebook page to stay updated on all the latest developments, visit the official website for more info, or take a little peek at the embedded clip above to get a feel of the game’s vibes and visuals.

Catherine Dellosa

Catherine Dellosa



Catherine plays video games for a living and writes because she’s in love with words. Her Young Adult contemporary novel, For The Win: The Not-So-Epic Quest Of A Non-Playable Character, is her third book published by Penguin Random House SEA – a poignant love letter to gamer geeks, mythological creatures, teenage heartbreak, and everything in between.
She one day hopes to soar the skies as a superhero, but for now, she strongly believes in saving lives through her works in fiction. Check out her books at, or follow her on FB/IG/Twitter at @thenoobwife.

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