Shang-Chi Is The First Pandemic-Era Film To Pass $200 Million At US Box Office

To say that the pandemic has been tough on theaters is an understatement. We’re still working through it, but the success of Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings is proof that movie theaters aren’t going anywhere just yet. Marvel Studios’ martial arts flick has become the first film to cross the $200 million mark at the domestic box office, according to The Hollywood Reporter.

Unlike Disney’s other spring and early summer offerings, Shang-Chi premiered exclusively in theaters. Black Widow, Jungle Cruise, and Cruella both debuted simultaneously on Disney+ Premier Access and in theaters, calling any box office numbers they scored into question.

THR notes that Shang-Chi has been doing well not just by pandemic-era standards but all on its own, too. The film set a new Labor Day record with its 94.7 million four-day opening, and as the second-biggest opening of 2021, behind Marvel’s own Black Widow.

Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings has surpassed $360 million in global ticket sales, and is heading for Black Widow’s $378.4 million box office number. Make sure to check out our feature, Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings Explained: What Does It Mean For Phase 4? Also scheduled for this year from Marvel are Marvel’s Eternals, set for November 5, and Spider-Man: No Way Home, which premieres on December 17, 2021.

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