Shark Fin Ban Petition in EU Reaches 1 Million Signatures

A European Union citizens’ online petition to ban the shark fin trade has hit 1 million signatures.

According to a recent LinkedIn notice:

“#StopFinningEU just hit 1 million voters who gave their signature to end the bloody shark fin trade in Europe! ??

“But the fight for sharks does NOT END NOW – it ends once the deadline is made by January 31. Until then everyone is asked to KEEP PUSHING! The more votes gained, the harder the pressure toward the EU to TAKE ACTION for sharks.”

If you’re an EU citizen, you can sign the petition at

John Liang

John Liang is the News Editor at He first got the diving bug while in High School in Cairo, Egypt, where he earned his PADI Open Water Diver certification in the Red Sea off the Sinai Peninsula. Since then, John has dived in a volcanic lake in Guatemala, among white-tipped sharks off the Pacific Coast of Costa Rica, and other places including a pool in Las Vegas helping to break the world record for the largest underwater press conference.

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