Shenzhou-19 crew receive delivery from Earth

This simulated image captured at the Beijing Aerospace Control Center on Nov. 16, 2024 shows China’s cargo spacecraft Tianzhou-8 docking with the orbiting Tiangong space station. (Photo by Han Qiyang/Xinhua)

BEIJING, Nov. 16 (Xinhua) — China’s Shenzhou-19 crew aboard the orbiting Tiangong space station received a shipment of supplies from Earth on Saturday, after the Tianzhou-8 cargo spacecraft successfully docked with the space station.

At 8:26 a.m., astronaut Cai Xuzhe opened the hatch of Tianzhou-8 and entered the cargo ship.

Tianzhou-8 carried approximately six tonnes of materials, including consumables for the astronauts’ in-orbit residency, propellants, experiment equipment, and over 400 kilograms of scientific research supplies.

The Shenzhou-19 crew will proceed with cargo transfer and other related tasks as planned.

China launched Tianzhou-8 on Friday night to deliver supplies to its orbiting Tiangong space station. About three hours later, the cargo craft successfully docked with the space station. 

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