Shocking video captures moment McDonald’s security punches female customer in face

Onlookers were left stunned when they witnessed a security guard punch a woman inside a McDonald’s chain in York, the United Kingdom on Sunday night. The incident was caught on video.

The footage has since gone viral after someone uploaded it online. It shows the said guard approaching the woman who stood by the counter. He then suddenly punches her in the face and she plops down to the ground from the impact.

The unnamed female customer then tries to claw at the bouncer’s leg as she attempts to stand up. She tries to kick his shoulder but ends up getting hurt again instead. The guard responds by kicking her on her side repeatedly as he forces her to leave the establishment saying, “off you go.” When she refuses to stand up, the man then reaches down, grabs her by the leg, and drags her across the floor towards the door.

The incident reportedly happened around 6:30 p.m. One of the bystanders captured it on video. It is unclear what led to the altercation and whether the female victim was at fault in the first place. But the footage clearly showed how none of the other customers came to her defense. No one helped her after the guard punched her, even the man who stood near her at the counter. One of the onlookers even asked, “Is she out cold?”

“Something needs to be publicly said about this ‘security guard’ in Maccies. Last night videos are going round of him sucker-punching a girl in McDonald’s in front of people and then dragging her out with no one doing anything,” a source told The Sun.

Meanwhile, a McDonald’s spokesperson condemned the violence in a statement saying, “We have a zero-tolerance policy when it comes to violence or abuse of any kind.” The representative said the security guard “works for an external security company and will not be on duty at any” McDonald’s branch while the establishment carries out “a full investigation into this incident.” As for the female customer, it is unclear what physical damages she sustained from her encounter with the individual and if she is pressing legal charges or not.

McDonalds China
Johannes Eisele/AFP

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