Shortly before her: “16 and Pregnant” star's fiancé died

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    Kurz vor ihr: Verlobter von Facebook / jordan.cashmyer.317. Jan 2022, 22:06 – Alice H.

    Only four months before

    Jordan Cashmyer died, had she apparently separated from her fiancé Michael Schaffer have to say goodbye forever! Last weekend made the tragic news the round that the “16 and Pregnant” star died at just 26 years old. The cause is still unclear. But the fact is that death has been a present topic for months at Jordan was!

    As The SunJordan Cashmyer, US-Reality-TV-Star reported is Michael

    Jordans Husband-to-be and father of her youngest child – died on September 9, 2021. A fatal drug cocktail of heroin, Cocaine and narcotics led to his sudden death, according to the Maryland Coroner. He not only left his Jordan, but also their daughter Lyla Nalani Schaffer.

    In his obituary available to the portal, Michael as an “extremely loyal and devoted father, partner, son, brother and friend”. “He was a bright light in the lives of all who knew him and he brought great joy and warmth to all he met with his unique sense of humor and generous and respectful manner”, it goes on in the memory of him. Just two days after his death, Jordan

    a last family photo together with her lover and baby Lyla on Facebook divided. Many expressions of condolence had been collected underneath.

    Jordan Cashmyer, US-Reality-TV-Star

    Facebook / jordan.cashmyer.3

    Jordan Cashmyer, US-Reality-TV-Star

    Facebook / jordan.cashmyer.3Michael Schaffer and Jordan Cashmyer

    Jordan Cashmyer

    Facebook / jordan.cashmyer.3

    Jordan Cashmyer

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