Signs of IPO: Airbnb CFO Moves to NEXT Insurance | Calcalist

Is NEXT Insurance on the way to an IPO? The new appointment of Teodora Gouneva as CFO of the company is a very clear sign of this intention. Goeneva served as Airbnb’s CFO until recently, and before that she served for 15 years in financial positions at the payment giant PayPal. She has led the two companies’ successful IPOs, merger and acquisition processes, capital financing and fundraising, international expansion and new product launches.

Gwenba also served as CFO of Venmo and Braintree, which PayPal acquired. She will replace Michelle Chang as CFO, who will move to serve as Next’s first corporate director. , And will lead the Legal Department, Personnel Management and Operations at the Company.

“I am excited to join the dedicated team at Next Insurance, which assists entrepreneurs And businesses to realize their potential by providing the insurance protection that provides them with peace of mind and financial security in case of need, “says Guanba.” I am passionate about how technologies and innovation can help and enhance the work of veteran businesses. This task is appropriate for my areas of expertise, and I look forward to taking part in the further growth of the company “.

Next Insurance was founded in 2016 by CEO Guy Goldstein, VP of Technology Alon Khoury and VP of Research and Development Nissim Tapiro. The company has raised $ 881 million since its inception, according to A value that reached more than $ 4 billion in the last round . The company is headquartered in Palo Alto, California. The company employs about 1,000 workers, 250 of them at the Israeli Development Center in Kfar Saba.

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