Snl24 | Downs wipe off Carling tears with R19 million

Mamelodi Sundowns will wipe the tears of their Carling Cup exit with at least R19 million in the pocket.

Mamelodi Sundowns will wipe the tears of their Carling Cup exit with at least R19 million in the pocket.

Following their exit from the Carling
Knockout Cup, Mamelodi Sundowns have switched focus to the AFL where mere
participation guarantees them more money than what the winners of the DStv
Premiership get.

Sundowns are already guaranteed a
massive USD1 million (approx. R19 million) which dwarfs any prizemoney offered
on the domestic scene including the DStv Premiership which carries R15 million
for the winners after 30 games.

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The new AFL will have each of the four
losing quarterfinalists taking away USD1 million while reaching the semi-finals
carries USD1,7 million (approx. R32,45 million), runners-up earn USD3 million
(approx. R57 million).

For the winners – which is what
Sundowns is targeting – there is USD4 million (R76,3 million).

All of this is for a competition being
played over three weeks.

This means by just reaching the final
of the AFL, Sundowns will earn more money than what is offered in all domestic

On the local scene, there is R15 for
winning the DStv Premiership, R7 million for lifting the Nedbank Cup, R6,85 for
taking the Carling Cup, and the R8 million which Orlando Pirates got for the

This leaves the total for all winning
competitions on the domestic scene at R36,85 million while playing in the final
of the AFL is worth R57 million.

Sundowns still have further huge money
to play for in the CAF Champions League where the winners also get USD4 million
(approx. R76,3 million).

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Downs are already in the group stages.

The Brazilians have a travelled to
Luanda, Angola where they will play Petro de Luanda in the first leg of the
inaugural African Football League on Saturday before they host the second on
October 24 in Tshwane.

If they proceed, Sundowns will then
play the two-legged semi-finals on October 29 and November 1 against either
Simba of Tanzania or Egyptian giants Al Ahly.

The AFL final will also be played over
two legs on November 5 and 11.

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