SNOWING: All airports and highways are closed in Istanbul

Photo: Istanbul Airport/AA

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After Istanbul Airport, Sabiha Gökçen and Atatürk Airports were closed to traffic with the snowfall that affected Istanbul and Marmara. Flights were stopped until 04:00 at both airports with the instruction of the General Directorate of Civil Aviation. A NOTAM has been issued stating that it is closed until 04:00 on January 2022.” expressions were used. A similar NOTAM has also been issued for Sabiha Gökçen Airportb

Istanbul Airport is closed until 13.00

According to the new meteorological data, Istanbul Airport was closed until 13.00 on 25 January due to the continuation of precipitation. The statement was made by Hüseyin Keskin, General Manager of the State Airports Authority (DHMİ). It has been extended until 13:00. made a statement. (AEK)

Highways are also closed

Violence in the evening hours in Istanbul Citizens staying on the roads for hours due to the increasing snowfall formed long queues of vehicles in the Mahmutbey Toll Office area. Vehicles on the road are running out of fuel.

Istanbul Governor Yerlikaya announced that “until a second announcement, vehicles traveling from Thrace to Istanbul will not be allowed to enter our city due to heavy snowfall”

Yerlikaya shared that “the exits at Esenler, Harem and all mobile bus stations are also stopped until 08:00 tomorrow”.

All vehicles going from Anatolia to Istanbul have also been stopped from going forward from Sakarya. (AEK)

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