Sony Xperia 10 V gets Android 14 update

Following the Android 14 release on the Xperia 1V, Sony is now seeding the latest version of Android to its midrange Xperia 10 V. The new update brings several new customization options including new lock screen shortcuts, expanded font selection, Nearby Share with support for Windows 10 PCs and added compatibility with the Find My Device app. The update also brings the improved security and privacy options found in Android 14 as well as the new battery settings.

Sony Xperia 10 V Android 14 update
Sony Xperia 10 V Android 14 update

Sony Xperia 10 V Android 14 update

The new update bears the 68.1.A.2.93 identifier is now seeding across Europe and the UK with more regions expected to join in the coming weeks. We’re also expecting a proper Android 14 release for the Xperia 5 V soon.

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