Spa worker shot, killed herself in Lake Merritt shooting, Oakland police say

Kume Spa at Lake Merritt.

Kume Spa at Lake Merritt.

Angela S./Yelp

LATEST Feb. 2, 4:55 p.m. More information was released Wednesday on the Tuesday shooting at Kume Spa by Oakland’s Lake Merritt.

Oakland police told the Bay Area News Group that the shooter is believed to be a spa employee who shot at multiple other employees, striking a 46-year-old Oakland man, before shooting herself and later succumbing to her wounds. 

The woman is a 49-year-old resident of Berkeley, a spokesperson for Oakland police told SFGATE in a statement. She was found unconscious by the time police arrived on the scene, the spokesperson added.

Kume Spa announced late Tuesday that it was closed “until further notice” following the shooting, according to an email obtained by KCBS and the Bay Area News Group. It is unclear whether a second location on 19th Street in downtown Oakland will remain open.

Police haven’t identified a motive behind the shooting.

The male victim remains in critical condition.

Feb. 1, 2:50 p.m. Oakland police confirmed Tuesday afternoon that one person has died and another person is in critical condition following a shooting at a Lake Merritt spa. 

The shooting took place at Kume Spa on Grand Avenue just before 10 a.m., police said Tuesday afternoon. The individuals were seen being rolled out in stretchers, according to multiple media reports, and were taken to a hospital in critical condition.

One succumbed to their injuries at the hospital, while the other remains in critical condition, police said.

Police have not yet revealed the identities of the suspected shooter or the two victims.

Oakland police spokeswoman Kim Armstead said that the shooting was likely not a “random act of violence,” adding that investigators believe there is no threat to public safety.

Oakland police did not immediately respond to a request for comment from SFGATE. 

This is a developing story and will be updated.

If you are in distress, call the National Suicide Prevention hotline 24 hours a day at 800-273-8255, or visit for more resources.

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