Following the decision of the Government of Spain to present a plan of mechanisms to regulate the prices of housing rentals. The opposition leader, Pablo Casado , announced his intention to appeal to the Constitutional Court to stop the measure.
“We are going to take it to the Constitutional Court,” said Casado during an interview on the Telecinco television network.
The program is part of the agreement sealed between the parties that make up the government coalition, the Socialist and United We Can, as a prior step to unlocking the budget project.
Formally, the set of measures must be officially adopted tomorrow, at a meeting of the Council of Ministers.
Although the Executive has not yet detailed the nature of the mechanism that it will apply to regulate rents or the type of owners it will target, the newspaper El País announced yesterday that the measure will seek to fall on the owners of more than 10 homes, based on benchmark indices installed in 2020.
The law also ratifies the construction of some 20,000 social housing and the rehabilitation of entire neighborhoods, according to the Executive, for an amount of 1,000 million euros.
Casado admitted that “the housing problem in Spain is very serious” and that his party has been saying “that something must be done”, but criticized a measure that, in his opinion, “sends a message of legal uncertainty that the Government can intervene in your private property “.
” This interventionism is suicidal, because in the end what people will do is not put up apartments for rent, and therefore there will be fewer homes to access and prices will rise, “argued the leader of the PP.
Therefore, he explained that the intention of the training that he directs is to appeal this legislative project, of which the fine print is not yet known, before the Constitutional Court.
He also assured that, if approved, the law “is not going to apply” in the town halls and regions governed by the Popular Party.
“We are in favor of the freedom of each person to do what they want with what is theirs”, said the conservative leader, who accused Sánchez of being “hostage to his radical partners of Podemos.”
In the regions of Madrid, Andalusia and Murcia, where the PP heads the Executive, their respective leaders have already warned that they will not accept “interventionist measures” by the central government.
On the other hand, from the Government, the minister of the Presidency and Relations with the Courts, Félix Bolaños, warned the conservatives that not complying with the norm “will harm everyone, the small owners and tenants.”
“I hope that all the autonomous communities, also those governed by the PP, are in favor of defending the general interest,” said the minister.
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