Sports scoreboard for Monday, May 8, 2023

Monday’s Scoreboard

NHL Playoffs

Second Round

Vegas 5 Edmonton 1

(Vegas leads best-of-seven series 2-1)

NBA Playoffs

Second Round

Miami 109 New York 101

(Miami leads best-of-seven series 3-1)

L.A. Lakers 104 Golden State 101

(Los Angeles leads best-of-seven series 3-1)

Major League Baseball

American League

Detroit 6 Cleveland 2

Tampa Bay 3 Baltimore 0

N.Y. Yankees 7 Oakland 2

Kansas City 12 Chicago White Sox 5

L.A. Angels 6 Houston 4

Texas 2 Seattle 1

National League

Pittsburgh 2 Colorado 0

Milwaukee 9 L.A. Dodgers 3

St. Louis 3 Chicago Cubs 1

Arizona 5 Miami 2

Washington 5 San Francisco 1

The Canadian Press

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