State Plan for Logistics and Transport of Rondônia seeks to increase the economic and social development of the State

The development of the PELT-RO represents a milestone for the State of Rondônia


In order to ensure a complete analysis of transport logistics, adapting to the National Logistics Plan (NLP) and understanding the challenges and opportunities of the sector, making it more competitive and assertive, in order to attract new investments, the State Secretariat for Economic Development (Sedec), last Thursday (30), signed a contract with Empresa de Planejamento e Logística SA – EPL, for the provision of specialized technical services for the Elaboration of the State Plan for Logistics and Transport – PELT of the state of Rondônia.

“The elaboration of the PELT-RO represents a milestone for the State. For the first time, the State Public Power showed concern with the logistics and transport policy” says the coordinator of partnerships and concessions, Eleida Ramos.

From the elaboration of the PELT-RO, the State will have fundamental subsidies for the definition of the state transport infrastructure policies. This study aims to bring numerous benefits to the entire state of Rondônia, with a significant increase in efficiency in the transport sector, competitiveness on the national scene, and consequently, the promotion of economic and social development.

With regard to the priorities and needs of transport infrastructure, the study aims to make the process dynamic and comprehensive, contemplating the movement of cargo and other vehicles that circulate on highways, waterways in the State, allowing the analysis of demand projections and their distribution in the available infrastructure network.

The studies carried out in the construction of the Logistics Plan aim to integrate and increase the efficiency of the transport matrix, and may also attract investors from the private sector to finance the infrastructure works necessary for the development of the regions of the State.

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