Strengthening the immune system: six spices that boost your immune system

It’s getting colder, rainier, more cold – in short: autumn.

The good thing about it is that when it rains you can spend more time in your own four walls, which you use for cooking, for example

This time is not only used sensibly for the stomach by cooking delicious recipes , but also for the Immune system .

Delicious and healthy

Many herbs used in cooking have natural ingredients such as essential oils or bitter substances , which stimulate the immune system and can prevent an annoying cold.

And especially in the Corona period, there is no better time for this, right?

It is particularly important for the following medicinal herbs, however, the amount. In connection with pregnancy or certain autoimmune diseases, a doctor should be consulted before consumption in order to avoid possible side effects.


The Ginger root is probably the classic among everyday helpers. Whether in slices in tea, diced in curry or squeezed in carrot-ginger juice: Ginger is easy to prepare, has a delicious spiciness and, above all, is a real all-purpose weapon for the immune system.

Due to its pungent substances and essential oils, ginger has a stimulating effect on the immune system, according to researchers. Especially with a cold, the root unfolds its full effect, which is why it has been used in traditional Chinese medicine or Ayurvedic medicine for 3000 years.

Ginger is said to have antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects and even prevent cancer can.

Tip: Superfood mix for a strong immune system

Just like ginger, it also contains essential oils. Here it is ingredients such as thujone, camper and bitter substances that have an antiviral effect.

They also help with colds in the mouth and throat, which occur more frequently in conjunction with other diseases. However, the daily dose of four to six grams of sage leaves should not be exceeded.


If you look at this white tuber, you will like it may be reminded of the human body. This is probably where the name comes from: translated from Chinese, “Jen Shen” means something like “human root”.



In traditional Chinese medicine, ginseng has been used as a medicinal plant for 2000 years. There are red and white ginseng. Both come from the same root, but in Germany mainly white ginseng is used.

The approx. 80 centimeter large tuber is full of Antioxidants and is said to have an anti-inflammatory effect. In a study it was found that cancer patients who had two Years of got ginseng had a much more effective immune system.

In addition, ginseng should be used against Stress work, which can be very helpful not only during the cold season!


Another great tuber, which, depending on the type of preparation, can lead to a subtle flag, but is all the better for the immune system.

The allicin component is at least partly responsible for both of these. It is considered a ‘natural antibiotic’ and works against viruses, bacteria and fungi. So a real all-round blow against the evil autumn viruses!

In addition, Garlic contains a lot Vitamins and minerals and should also prevent cancer.

Unfortunately, we steam garlic through the skin after consumption. But if you want to do something against the unpleasant taste in your mouth, at least temporarily, you could try a glass of milk, peppermints or lemon juice.


Gratinated tomatoes, chanterelles or feta cheese with the green herb on top – at the smell of thyme Feel like being on vacation.

As difficult as it is to travel to Italy or France at the moment, you can at least get the delicious smell in the kitchen. And also strengthen the immune system!

In ancient Rome, thyme was especially used in baths to make soldiers more vital and courageous. He was also assigned an increased libido.

Today thyme is especially used for its disinfecting effect valued and occurs, for example, in mouthwashes or hand disinfectants.

It also has an expectorant effect and helps with coughs or other cold symptoms. Relaxed by the essential oils contained therein Thyme the bronchial muscles and kills bacteria and viruses, which cleans the airways.

Echinacea (coneflower)

Echinacea , or coneflower, comes from North America. The plant, which comes from the sunflower family (watch out for possible allergies), contains inulin, vitamin C and essential oils, which are said to have an immune-boosting and anti-inflammatory effect.

So far in laboratory tests found that the squeezed juice from the herb in colds lead to milder courses, or possibly even prevent them.

Echinacea Blüten

Unsplash/Stephan H.

Coneflower stimulated the immune cells, whereby more white blood cells were produced, which successfully fought fungi, viruses and bacteria.

The experiments could not yet be transferred directly to humans. However, some studies showed that colds were often weaker after taking a sun hat.

More important Note: The information in this article contain only general information. To clarify a health problem, we recommend visiting trained and recognized doctors.


Study on the health benefits of ginger, accessed on October 6, 2020

Study on the Effects of sage, accessed on October 6, 2020

Study on the antioxidant effect of ginseng, accessed on October 6, 2020 https: //

Bergner, Paul. (1996): The Healing Power of Garlic, Prima Pub

European Medicines Agency: Thymi Herba, accessed on October 6, 2020 / thymi-herba

Study on the preventive effect of Echinacea on a cold, accessed on October 6, 2020

Reading tips

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