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Latest episode:

Jonathan Oakes is joined by Andy Hinchcliffe and Daniel Mann to discuss all the latest from the Championship, League One and League Two.

The panel dissects all the most recent news and talking points from the EFL, while Nottingham Forest’s Ryan Yates takes Ten To Tackle.

In the Championship (from the start) the panel look back on Nottingham Forest’s win over Derby, what it meant for Steve Cooper’s side and another tumultuous week for the Rams away from the pitch. It was also a great week for Hull as their takeover was confirmed and they enjoyed two big wins over promotion-chasing opposition.

We also hear from Forest’s Ryan Yates (37m17s) as he reveals all by answering our quickfire questions in Ten To Tackle.

In League One (41m09s) it was another good week for Wigan as they took control of the promotion race, while there were shock defeats for MK Dons and Wycombe, while Oxford beat Sheffield Wednesday in another big clash near the top.

And in League Two (49m55s) John Sheridan returned to take charge at troubled Oldham once again, for his fourth spell in charge at the club, there was more managerial upheaval at Colchester, as they began life following the sacking of Hayden Mullins with a win, and Tranmere’s surge up the table continued.

All that and much more!

And don’t forget to subscribe to the Transfer Talk podcast, the Gary Neville podcast, the Sunday Supplement and the Scottish Football Podcast.

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