Success depends on adaptability to change

Naiden Kostadinov is the new leader of EY’s tax and legal services business line in nine countries in Southeast Europe – Bulgaria, Greece, Cyprus, Romania, Malta, Moldova, Northern Macedonia, Albania and Kosovo. He joined EY in 2001 as part of the Audit Services Division, then became Director of the Strategy and Transactions Division, where he led financial, tax and legal due diligence projects on acquisition and restructuring transactions in Bulgaria, Greece. , Romania, Serbia, Norway, Albania, Kosovo. In 2013, he headed EY’s Financial Accounting and Payroll Services Division. In 2016 he was accepted as a partner, and in 2019 he became the leader of the EY business line for tax and legal services in Bulgaria, Northern Macedonia, Albania and Kosovo. He graduated in Accounting and Control at the University of National and World Economy and is a certified public accountant, a member of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) in Great Britain and the Institute of Chartered Certified Accountants in Bulgaria.

Through the prism of testing since the beginning of 2020, I realized that a key role in the success of companies is their adaptability to the changing environment. My observations in nine countries in the region show that in the changed environment the organizations are developing the fastest, the managers of which manage to constantly adjust the supply, the channels for sales and business with the necessary flexibility and entrepreneurial spirit. A number of sectors were severely affected. I would recommend them to actively engage in innovation, restructuring their product portfolios, limiting losses and developing new profitable business lines. In some cases, a comprehensive review of the supply chain is needed. “Proven solutions” cannot be relied on. The change seen through the prism of the business I run means the need for much more active interaction with companies in order to continue to fully meet the dynamic needs of our professional services In times of great change like the current one , everyone has to approach problems with the necessary flexibility and creativity, but also with much more patience. Not every decision is final. Security and stability are not outdated concepts today. It is a matter of good planning, but at the same time it requires quick reaction and adaptability. The challenge of working with companies in nine different markets is great. I am motivated by the opportunity to influence and contribute with experience and ideas on a larger scale. With regard to taxes – a kind of intersection between significant benefits for customers and benefits for the state budget is given by good professional advice, which in many cases finds exactly this balance. The leader in a certain business segment is the one who contributes the best value to his clients. Basic rule I follow : Doing business, partnerships and relationships with people in a highly ethical way. Ethics in our profession is fundamental. I am expected to bring real benefits to the companies and to encourage all those talented colleagues in our teams to present themselves in the most successful way. Both aspects are equally important. My fault insurance is the coordination of major decisions with my colleagues, as teamwork and a culture of partnership minimize the risk of wrongdoing. The most important lesson I would like to teach the youngest in my profession is to invest in yourself and develop your talent with perseverance, as the results will come by themselves. The language of numbers gives me the basis. However, the important conclusions come from an in-depth analysis of the human factor and the “qualitative” aspects that are an integral part of decision-making. When it’s hardest for me, I say to myself : This is just a challenge I can handle. It contributes to the development of my team and myself. The financial sphere attracted me with the fact that it is the basis of economic and social life. It gives me a glimpse of how the world works. My escape from the world of working life is sports – swimming, gymnastics, running. Today, the pessimist is a man who has failed to charge himself with enthusiasm and that positive aggression that moves us straight ahead. Company profile EY is a world leader in auditing, tax consulting and transactions. It has been present on the Bulgarian market since 1992 and the company’s team numbers more than 320 professionals who provide advice and consultations in the following main business areas – audit, taxes, law, financial consulting and transactions. EY Bulgaria occupies a leading position on the Bulgarian market and also manages the company’s practice in the north of Macedonia, Albania and Kosovo. Following the growing need of business in Bulgaria, EY has established a strong practice that provides full outsourcing of the functions of accounting, taxation, law and administration of salaries and personnel.
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