SUCCESS: Ex-BBB, Flayslane is invited to record with sertaneja duo

The last eliminated from Big Brother Brasil 20, Flayslane spoke throughout the program that she was not recognized as a singer and after leaving the program, she was surprised by the amount of streams on her tracks on music platforms and by encouraging messages the music career.

Among the messages, Flay was invited by the country duo Leandro & Romani to record a partner. “She has a presence and a very powerful voice. And he shows a very strong personality, not only as a person we saw in the house, but also as an artist. She is able to show her origins through the strength of her voice and it will be very interesting to marry our styles”, said the duo.

On the day Flayslane was eliminated from BBB20, during the chat with the eliminated, the singer was invited by Priscilla Alcântara to do a duet of the track Girassol, a song that Flay sang throughout the show’s house. And without thinking twice, the singer accepted.

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