Supporting “Jingchang” Lai Qingde: Let truly outstanding legislators enter the National Assembly

Taichung Second District Legislators by-election and Taipei Zhongzheng and Wanhua District non-party legislator Lin Changzuo’s recall case On the 3rd day, following the film of the mayors of 7 counties and mayors, the DPP released a film on the 6th that Vice President Lai Qingde used Taiwanese to remind the votes. Please support Lin Jingyi and Lin Changzuo nominated by the DPP in the second constituency of the Democratic Progressive Party. , This Sunday, we must stand up and vote to end the battle together. On January 9, Shuanglin wins.

Daily major news notification

Lai Qingde said in the film that the by-election of the legislators of Taichung’s second constituency on the 9th and the removal of the legislators of Taipei Zhongzheng and Wanhua district legislators Lin Changzuo are all very important. They can not only end the destruction of democracy. The unhealthy trend of “retaliatory recall” can also allow truly outstanding legislators to enter the parliament and assist the government in promoting reforms. On January 9, 2022, please be sure to let truly outstanding legislators enter the parliament, and Taiwan will definitely win.

Lai Qingde also uses the station Sincerely, please, I hope that the friends of Taipei Zhongzheng and Wanhua will vote to disagree with the recall, put an end to the fierce war, and refuse to strike; the folks in Taichung’s second constituency (Shalu, Dadu, Wuri, Wufeng, Longjing) will support gentleness and firmness. Physician Lin Jingyi, entered the parliament and gave birth to a new politics.

In addition to filming support, Lai Qingde will attend Lin Jingyi’s big belly market on the 7th and 8th. , And Lin Changzuo, in front of Longshan Temple on the night of unity to end the evil strike, acted against Shuanglin, and finally called for votes.

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