Survey Asks Japanese Gamers What Games Pissed Them Off the Most

Survey Asks Japanese Gamers What Games Pissed Them Off the Most

by Danica Davidson October 8, 2021

ghosts 'n goblins

Anyone who loves video games also knows that sometimes they can be very, very frustrating. Many a gamer has rage quit a game after not being able to get past a certain part. Inside, which is a Japanese gaming website, wondered what game titles pissed off the most players and left a mark doing so. So they did a survey with hundreds of Japanese respondents and shared their results.

In fifth place you’ll find Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice. Survey respondents who chose this game gave comments like this for their reason:

“Even basic mob enemies are fought under the premise that you know how to guard. The game relies way too much on timing.”
“I kept fighting the same boss over and over and still I couldn’t beat it…”

Coming in at number four is Ghosts ‘n Goblins, which was originally an arcade game. People surveyed remarked:

“Forget the difficulty! The atmosphere of the game is way too creepy and eerie for kids! I ended up just letting it get dusty in storage…”
“The Red Arremers are too tough!”

In third place we have Hidetaka Miyazaki’s Dark Souls. Some reactions from people who found it too frustrating:

“The ultimate die-a-bunch video game… I lost every single one of the souls I’d painstakingly collected over an entire day with a stupid, careless mistake. I felt my heart shatter then and there.”
“It’s difficult…that’s all I can say.”

Number two is none other than Resident Evil. Responses include:

“Way, way too scary. I just about managed to endure the scene where a crow smashes through a window, but then they brought dogs into it? Nope. Nope.”
“I couldn’t solve the puzzles!”

And the “winner” of the survey is . . . Undertale! It got the most votes by a large margin, and here are some comments about it:

“The enemies were too much for me on the route. I lost my will to see it through.”
“I spent half a year trying to beat the last boss on the route and still didn’t beat it.”

Have you played any of these games? What games have been the most frustrating for you?

Source: SoraNews24


Danica Davidson is the author of the bestselling Manga Art for Beginners with artist Melanie Westin, and its sequel, Manga Art for Intermediates, with professional Japanese mangaka Rena Saiya. Check out her other comics and books at

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