Sydney Blu on the Art & Business of Electronic Music

Show notes

For this week’s show, Mike has a fascinating chat about the electronic music business from an artist’s perspective with Canadian DJ, producer, and record label owner Joanne Hill – a.k.a Sydney Blu. Her second underground electronic album, ‘Conviction,’ was released in March, and she shares how her time in Berlin inspired the record, the genre’s history, and why different cities have different relationships with electronic music. Joanne also takes us through her fascinating career, from the underground electronic scene, to moving to Miami and immersing herself in the mainstream EDM world as a resident DJ at a major club, and why she became very frustrated and disillusioned and return to the underground electronic scene. Joanne also fills us in on the lobbying she’s led to get CARAS to recognize underground electronic music at the Juno Awards.


Mike  Raine

Mike Raine

Michael Raine is the Editor-in-Chief for Canadian Musician, Professional Sound, and other magazines. He’s a fan of long conversations about music and the music industry.

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