Syria: Islamic State attacks prison and releases jihadists

First entry: Thursday, January 20, 2022, 10:12 pm

Συρία: Το Ισλαμικό Κράτος επιτίθεται σε φυλακή και απελευθερώνει τζιχαντιστές

The Islamic State group launched an attack on Thursday on a Kurdish-controlled prison in al-Hasaka, northeastern Syria, releasing an unspecified number of jihadists, a Syrian NGO said on Monday, with no immediate reports of casualties.

A trapped car exploded at the entrance to the prison, one of the largest in which jihadists are being held in Syria, and a second explosion occurred shortly before IS jihadists attacked Kurdish security forces head-on. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said in a statement: ”

US-backed Syrian Kurdish Democratic Forces (SDF) announced

Last Updated: Thursday, 20 January July 2022, 22:15

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