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Danny Trejo Is 55 Years Sober “By The Grace Of God” thumbnail

Danny Trejo Is 55 Years Sober “By The Grace Of God”

Danny Trejo has reached a landmark on his path to sobriety. On Wednesday (Aug. 23) the actor revealed in a celebratory Instagram post that he has not used drugs or alcohol for over five decades. “I’m 55 years clean and sober today by the grace of God!” wrote the 79-year-old. He continued to encourage others
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Danny Masterson Trial Puts Spotlight on Scientology, Judge Objects: ‘The Court Is Disappointed’ thumbnail

Danny Masterson Trial Puts Spotlight on Scientology, Judge Objects: ‘The Court Is Disappointed’

Despite all attempts by defense attorneys – and the judge – to ensure that Scientology would not be on trial in the criminal rape case against former “That 70s Show” actor Danny Masterson, the Church loomed large in both opening statements and early witness’ testimony Tuesday. Masterson’s attorneys argued in pretrial motions to keep his religion out
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Mit Flick-Assistent Danny Röhl: DFB vor Start in Trainer-Lehrgang 2022 thumbnail

Mit Flick-Assistent Danny Röhl: DFB vor Start in Trainer-Lehrgang 2022

Pro Lizenz statt Fußballlehrer  Der Deutsche Fußball-Bund (DFB) startet auch in diesem Jahr wieder einen Lehrgang zum Erwerb der höchsten Trainerlizenz auf nationaler Ebene. Wie der Verband am Mittwoch bekannt gab, ist die Teilnehmerzahl von 25 auf 16 gesenkt worden. Zu den Auszubildenden zählen unter anderem Danny Röhl, Co-Trainer der deutschen Nationalmannschaft, und Marc Hensel vom…
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Danny Trejo is guest starring in OlliOlli World thumbnail

Danny Trejo is guest starring in OlliOlli World

Which launches next week on PC and consoles. OlliOlli World, the ambitious new entry in Roll7's acclaimed skateboarding series, is just a week away from release, and the developer is marking the final countdown to launch with news that Hollywood star Danny Trejo will be making an appearance in-game.Trejo is certainly prolific, having featured in over…
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