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Floyd Mayweather makes UK debut against former MMA fighter Aaron Chalmers on Feb 25 in London, Muay Thai veteran Liam Harrison injured thumbnail

Floyd Mayweather makes UK debut against former MMA fighter Aaron Chalmers on Feb 25 in London, Muay Thai veteran Liam Harrison injured

Undefeated five-division world champion Floyd Mayweather Jr is back in the ring on Saturday, February 25 at The O2 in London, England. Making his UK debut, boxing hall of famer faces a retired MMA fighter and TV personality Aaron Chalmers. The pair squares off in an exhibition match. Advertisements It was initially announced on social
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‘Ramaliar’ — Floyd Shivambu weighs in on Sisulu’s ‘apology’ thumbnail

‘Ramaliar’ — Floyd Shivambu weighs in on Sisulu’s ‘apology’

The presidency issued a statement last week in which it said Sisulu apologised for her opinion piece two weeks ago titled “Hi Mzansi, have we seen justice? ”.In it the minister criticised the judiciary, the constitution and politicians for failing the poor. “Today in the high echelons of our judicial system are these mentally colonised Africans,…
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Kim Kardashian and Floyd Mayweather sued for cryptocurrency scam thumbnail

Kim Kardashian and Floyd Mayweather sued for cryptocurrency scam

La celebridad Kim Kardashian, el exboxeador Floyd Mayweather y el exjugador de baloncesto Paul Pierce han sido demandados por promocionar una criptomoneda llamada EthereumMax. Esta está basada en la red de Ethereum, una de las cinco principales del ecosistema de las criptodividas, según indica en su página web. Los demandantes aseguran que los citados famosos,…
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