‘Ramaliar’ — Floyd Shivambu weighs in on Sisulu’s ‘apology’

The presidency issued a statement last week in which it said Sisulu apologised for her opinion piece two weeks ago titled “Hi Mzansi, have we seen justice? ”.

In it the minister criticised the judiciary, the constitution and politicians for failing the poor. 

Today in the high echelons of our judicial system are these mentally colonised Africans, who have settled with the worldview and mindset of those who have dispossessed their ancestors. They are only too happy to lick the spittle of those who falsely claim superiority. The lack of confidence that permeates their rulings against their own speaks very loudly, while others, secure in their agenda, clap behind closed doors,” Sisulu wrote.

The presidency said Sisulu apologised during a meeting with Ramaphosa in Cape Town and admitted her article was not backed by any facts.

The minister dismissed the statement from the presidency. 

“Under no circumstances did I commit to any retraction or apology since I stand by what I penned,” Sisulu said in a statement.

“The content of the president’s statement in its current form is unfortunate as it is not what we agreed on. In this regard, I wish to distance myself from such,” she said.

The presidency responded, saying it stood by its statement regarding the minister’s apology.

“The presidency stands by its statement earlier this evening, January 20 2022, on a discussion between President Cyril Ramaphosa and minister of tourism Ms Lindiwe Sisulu,” it said. 

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