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6 posts
Webb identified methane and water vapor in exoplanets’ atmosphere thumbnail

Webb identified methane and water vapor in exoplanets’ atmosphere

Methane has been found in Jupiter’s, Saturn’s, Uranus’s, and Neptune’s atmospheres within our solar system. However, its presence remained elusive in the atmospheres of transiting exoplanets.  NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope observed the exoplanet WASP-80 b as it passed before and behind its host star. The telescope detected methane gas and water vapor in the
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Scientists identified composite material that could integrate quantum devices into semiconductor thumbnail

Scientists identified composite material that could integrate quantum devices into semiconductor

Existing challenges in semiconductor electronics include further improvements that would increase the bandwidth of data transmission, energy efficiency, and information security. Quantum effects in semiconductors could give superconductors a new twist. A team of scientists from Paul Scherrer Institute PSI and Cornell University in New York State has identified a composite material that could integrate…
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