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4 posts
Investigations launched after PETA cruelty allegations
Otago's Hunter Valley Station Photo: Flickr / Leigh Blackall Multiple investigations have been launched into allegations of animal cruelty on a farm leased by former NBC Today show host Matt Lauer. People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) Asia-Pacific said an investigation into 11 farms and shearing sheds which supplied ZQ-certified wool - which
December 31, 2024
Outbreak investigations continue as FDA works to find sources of pathogens
Federal officials continue to investigate nine foodborne illness outbreaks even though three of the outbreaks have been declared over. Also, the Food and Drug Administration says there will be more information released on an outbreak traced to cantaloupe that is no longer being investigated. The outbreak has been determined to be over, according to the
October 6, 2022
FDA continues investigations into several foodborne illness outbreaks
The Food and Drug Administration is continuing to investigate several food-related outbreaks of infections, with patient numbers slowly increasing. Sources of pathogens behind the outbreak infections have not been identified in five of nine outbreaks under investigation. One outbreak of infections from E. coli O157:H7 has been declared over with 10 patients identified. The investigation…
June 30, 2022
Investigations into Salmonella outbreaks advancing but no cause found yet
Two Salmonella outbreak investigations that have sickened a total of more than 200 people are picking up steam at the FDA. One has sickened at least 127 people with Salmonella Oranienburg infections and stretches across 25 states. Although the source of the outbreak pathogen remains unknown, an update Sept. 22 from the Food and Drug…
September 23, 2021