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Nobel Prize in medicine awarded for discovery of microRNAs, the molecules that control our genes thumbnail

Nobel Prize in medicine awarded for discovery of microRNAs, the molecules that control our genes

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Nobel Prize for medicine awarded to Katalin Kariko and Drew Weissman thumbnail

Nobel Prize for medicine awarded to Katalin Kariko and Drew Weissman

Their discoveries enabled the development of effective mRNA vaccines against CovidHungarian biochemist Katalin Kariko, one of the winners of this year's Nobel Prize in physiology or medicine. EPA Powered by automated translationThis year's Nobel Prize in physiology or medicine has been awarded to Katalin Kariko and Drew Weissman, whose discoveries paved the way for the
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Nobel Body Criticizes Nobel Peace Prize Winner Abiy Over War thumbnail

Nobel Body Criticizes Nobel Peace Prize Winner Abiy Over War

The Norwegian Nobel Committee, which awards the prestigious Nobel Peace Prize, on Thursday issued a very rare admonition to the 2019 winner, Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed, over the war and humanitarian crisis in his country’s Tigray region. “As prime minister and winner of the Nobel Peace Prize, Abiy Ahmed has a special responsibility to…
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Who are the 2 Nobel Prize Winners Orhan Pamuk and Aziz Sancar? thumbnail

Who are the 2 Nobel Prize Winners Orhan Pamuk and Aziz Sancar?

Hem ödüle layık görülen kişi hem de kişinin ülkesi için büyük bir onur kaynağı olan Nobel Ödülleri, yıllardır insanlığa hizmet eden kişileri öne çıkarıyor. Bu ödüller kapsamında insanlığa fayda sağlayan birçok yabancı isim gördük. Şimdiyse bizim topraklarımızdan çıkıp bu ödüle layık görülen önemli isimlere bakıyoruz. Her yıl verilmekte olan Nobel Ödülleri’ni duymayan yoktur. 1895 yılında…
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Nobel Prizes--The NSF Connection thumbnail

Nobel Prizes–The NSF Connection

Overview 2021 Laureates Laureates Through History Classroom Resources Public support of science is an investment in the future. The long list of NSF-funded Nobelists proves the wisdom of a public that dares to invest in curiosity, and in a better future. As stewards of the public trust, NSF and other federal agencies help secure that…
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NSF Statement on 2021 Nobel Laureates in Science thumbnail

NSF Statement on 2021 Nobel Laureates in Science

Press Statement 21-004 October 12, 2021 This past week, the Nobel Assembly and the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences announced the 2021 Nobel Prize recipients. Among the prize recipients in physiology or medicine, physics, and economic sciences are researchers who have been supported by the U.S. National Science Foundation. "We extend our congratulations to all…
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The Nobel Prize in Chemistry to Benjamin List and David WC MacMillan thumbnail

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry to Benjamin List and David WC MacMillan

Il Premio Nobel per la Chimica è stato assegnato a Benjamin List e David W.C. MacMillan “per lo sviluppo dell’organocatalisi asimmetrica”, un sistema per costruire molecole che ha avuto un grande impatto nella ricerca farmaceutica e dei materiali.La costruzione di nuove molecole è essenziale per gli sviluppi scientifici e tecnologici in numerosi ambiti, sia della…
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Who Will Win the 2021 Nobel Prize in Literature? thumbnail

Who Will Win the 2021 Nobel Prize in Literature?

When Dario Fo, an internationally obscure Italian political satirist and literal clown, won the Nobel Prize in literature 25 years ago, the organizers of the prize told Fo’s publisher that giving it to a bigger name—say, Salman Rushdie or (the, incredibly, still alive) Arthur Miller—would have been “too predictable, too popular.” This essentially summed up…
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Nobel Prize in Physics: three researchers rewarded for their pioneering work on the greenhouse effect thumbnail

Nobel Prize in Physics: three researchers rewarded for their pioneering work on the greenhouse effect

Le prix Nobel de physique a été attribué à l'Italien Giorgio Parisi, l'Allemand Klaus Hasselmann et l'Américano-Japonais Syukuro Manabe. Le prix Nobel de physique a été attribué à trois chercheurs pour "leurs contributions révolutionnaires à notre compréhension des systèmes physiques complexes", a indiqué le jury. BREAKING NEWS: The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences has decided to award the…
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